About this Page

Hello, my name is Carly-Anne! This has been my fourth year at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, which means I'm a senior (yay), and will hopefully graduate in the spring (awe!). I have really enjoyed my time spent at UW-P. There are so many classes and professors that have changed my life, and it has provided me with friendships, as well as outlets for my creativity and ambition.

I am very excited to be doing this blog. Not only will I be able to share my experiences with you, the pseudo-reader, I will also be cataloging one of the last years of the "best years of my life!"

But ... I hate one sided conversations, they're so didactic, don't 'yah think? So, if you're an avid blogger, or just stumbled here by accident from your virtual path:
hit me up, and take the polls!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Go Get That Money! (Time is Running Out for Scholarship Applications!)

Wow. Can you believe it's almost February? There are still two weeks to apply for a scholarship at UW-Parkside! Applications are due by February 1st ... but that's still plenty of time!

As a scholarship recipient myself, I understand the fear and doubt that a lot of students might have in applying for a scholarship. Even though it's a little corny, it's very true that you will never know if you could have won if you never tried! Even if you have applied before and not received one - you should apply again! The first year I applied I did not get one, but this year was different!

I probably never would have applied if I was not encouraged. Sometimes it's hard to believe in yourself, but you might be really surprised! There are so many scholarship opportunities that UW-Parkside offers, so there is something out there for everyone!

This year I was the recipient of the Chase Bank Leadership Scholarship. As you can probably see from my bio, I've had a number of years of experience in student leadership at UW-Parkside. Sure, some of these leadership positions have offered monetary stipends as incentive, but most have not. My involvement in leadership has never been about the money - it has truly meant so much more!

Those that have spoken with me know that I haven't always been such an uber-involved student. I will freely tell people that I probably spent more time in high school in detention than in extra-curricular activities. I made the honor roll my senior year, with early release and an English, Choir, and Orchestra class, but my parents were so elated they bought me a cake!

Clearly, my experience at UW-Parkside has changed my life dramatically. When people from my high school see me now their response is usually, "what? this is Carly?" I am so thankful for the leadership activity opportunities at UW-Parkside. They have helped me develop friendships while giving me a chance to EXPRESS myself and work for things that I am passionate about. It has also given me a new love for my education! In all aspects I am treated like an individual - not a cog in the wheel.

The Chase Leadership Scholarship has also meant so much more to me than monetary assistance. Yes, it has helped me dramatically in being able to financially support myself during this intensive senior year, but it is so much more. It is the capstone of my involvement. It has shown me that anything is possible for anyone. It has shown me that second chances can happen. It has shown me that the work I have put into the university has truly been appreciated.

You might be like me, or you might not. You might be thinking that you're not a great student, or you might be struggling financially. I want you to put aside your doubts and believe in yourself. I tell people, if I can do it, ANYone can do it! But you will never know what possibilities are out there if you never try.

Please, check out the numerous scholarship opportunities that UW-Parkside offers!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!

UW-P Athletics: New Look and Feel

While I was at UW-Parkside this week I noticed all the signs advertising our Spirit Week this spring. I don't have the dates, but check back! I will post information and pictures as soon as I have the details. However, if you are itching to find out more about our athletic teams, games, and highlights you should check out their new page!


It looks awesome! It's probably the best looking page from any department at UW-P. I know Dave Williams, the athletic director, and he has really done a great job in boosting not only our athletic department, but the PRIDE in UW-Parkside athletics! A lot of people that have come in for orientation have asked if we have a football team. No, we do not have a football team. But we do have a lot of amazing teams here that we are very proud of. And we now have a cheerleading team! Spirit week is going to be awesome! I will keep you all posted on those details ... but make sure to check back!

Friday, January 11, 2008

A Chance to be Creative

After talking to some folks about their college experiences in other universities, it has occurred to me that what I've heard about UW-Parkside is true: though it is a UW-university, you can really gain the education of a private liberal arts school. The opportunities for creative and social expression are endless and sometimes all it takes is a little foot work.

My senior seminar, (the class that is equivalent to a senior thesis), was on the Graphic Novel. It was such an interesting and different experience, and the subject was a fun step away from the traditional. In this class I was able to work on my own comics, and I got pretty good at it! During the same semester I was taking a math class, where I was required to submit weekly journal entries on my experiences with math. The professor said that we would be able to use any format we were comfortable with, so what did I do? I make weekly one-page comics depicting my journey into the land of math! Though I really enjoy writing, it is sometimes nice to be able to try something new!

This past semester I took Cuban American Literature. Beyond being just an amazing class, the professor said that if we did really well on the first major paper assignment that we would be able to do something more creative for the second major assignment. Of course I had to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to try something new, instead of just writing another paper! Ever since I got my AppleMac, I have been interested in making movies; (it's sooo easy)! I interviewed a bunch of people on Cuba and America and edited a short documentary. It was an interesting experience and definitely something new!

Follow this link to see that documentary! http://web.mac.com/carlyanneravs/iWeb/Site/FidelvsChe.html

Feel free to check it out. This is just a little taste of the expansive opportunities for alternative learning that you can gain at UW-Parkside. No, we do not have a directors program, but we do have a Film Studies Certificate. We also have UW-P TV for anyone who is interested in working with film. We might not be Chicago's Columbia, but you can make your experience at UW-P just as cool! But, like I said, it might be more responsibility on you. No one will make you find the hidden opportunities at this diamond-in-the-rough, but you will find them if you are looking!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

To Grandmother's House We Go

It is a tradition in my family to travel to my grandmother's farm in Iowa for holidays, and this winter was no different. I traveled with my husband out to my parent's house in Kenosha County to spend a smaller, more personal celebratory time with my mom, dad, and my little sister, who flew in from Colorado for a few weeks. (But, sadly, has gone back!)

One of the things I most appreciate about attending UW-Parkside is that I live so close to home! It is a reasonable 30 minute drive to the county from Racine, but it's far enough away that I have always been more connected to the city than the county. This makes every get away to "home" an experience to treasure! Often, my parents come up and visit me, too!

On the trip to Iowa I got some good reading done and was able to catch up on some much needed sleep, but the rest wouldn't last long. As we drove down the gravel road to my grandmother's farm, listening to the radio forecasting more snow, I realized that there would be lots of shoveling ahead on me for this holiday. My grandmother's driveway was completely covered in ice! We had to salt it, chip it, and shovel it. It took nearly two days to finish!

I was glad to help my grandma, though. She turned 85 this year and is still living on that farm and driving. Pretty crazy. It was nice to get a break from school and visit with family, but I'm glad to be home with my kitty-babies! Now that I've had a nice long break I am ready to get back into school!!!

I'm Back for Spring Semester! Are you ready?

Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything new for a while! If my last post is any sign to the affect that 18 credits can have on one person's sanity, perhaps you will be understanding of the needed hiatus after fall finals!

There has been a lot that has happened since I posted last, and I am hoping to do some back posting on those experiences today. Spring semester is a week and a half away, so there will be all kinds of new and exciting posts coming soon! But first -- If you have stumbled across this blog and are planning to attend school next semester you might want to read this:

If you have received an acceptance letter from the university, and are a new incoming student for the spring semester, (and you don't have any transfer credits), you should contact the advising center at UW-Parkside. If you are planning to transfer, (and have received an acceptance letter and a transfer credit report), you should also call the advising center! Make sure you call as soon as possible! The sooner you can sign up for classes the easier it will be! (However, if you are waiting on transfer credits and are anxious to sign up for class -- don't freak too much. :) There will be classes open, but you should be prepared to be a little flexible and take a little more time in selection. It won't be the end of the world!)

For current students, if you haven't met with your adviser you might want to give them a call. It's good to get into see you adviser earlier vs later. At the end of each semester, (ei November/March-April), you need to meet with your adviser to review your plan for graduation. If you have a declared adviser you have to meet with them to lift your flag! If you have a declared major your adviser is in that department, unless otherwise specified.

I hope you are all ready for spring semester! If you need to reach advising you can call 262-595-2040. You can also access information on the advising session and other links online

Post any advising questions or concerns below and I will either answer them, or refer you to a source with the necessary information!!!