About this Page

Hello, my name is Carly-Anne! This has been my fourth year at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, which means I'm a senior (yay), and will hopefully graduate in the spring (awe!). I have really enjoyed my time spent at UW-P. There are so many classes and professors that have changed my life, and it has provided me with friendships, as well as outlets for my creativity and ambition.

I am very excited to be doing this blog. Not only will I be able to share my experiences with you, the pseudo-reader, I will also be cataloging one of the last years of the "best years of my life!"

But ... I hate one sided conversations, they're so didactic, don't 'yah think? So, if you're an avid blogger, or just stumbled here by accident from your virtual path:
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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

World Fest Flag Ceremony

So, I'm from Kenosha County, and I get a lot of folks for tours that are from the area, or from Wisconsin, or from the states, that ask about our student population. If you're like me, and from the county, you might feel that attending Parkside will be just like high school - and you'll know everyone there. You might be thinking, "I've got to get out of here!" You might even think about traveling abroad.

Well, I know I've said it before, but one thing I love about UW-P is that it doesn't feel like the same old-high-school-thang. We have tremendous diversity, part of that being out international student population. (I blame our awesome soccer team!) :) We have students from around the globe and tons of activities centered with an international concept. We have an international house, Parkside International Club (PIC), a study abroad program, and an exchange program with our sister schools in Germany and Italy.

Every spring we have World Fest Week, and the campus is almost completely transformed! Every year we kick it off with a Flag Ceremony, to honor the numerous countries represented in our student population. This year I started off helping with the flag of Germany, with my soror Tracy, but then ended up carrying the American Flag at the front! Some of my sorors carried the the flag of their home country, Mexico.

It was a great week full of education, fun, and tasty food!!!

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