About this Page

Hello, my name is Carly-Anne! This has been my fourth year at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, which means I'm a senior (yay), and will hopefully graduate in the spring (awe!). I have really enjoyed my time spent at UW-P. There are so many classes and professors that have changed my life, and it has provided me with friendships, as well as outlets for my creativity and ambition.

I am very excited to be doing this blog. Not only will I be able to share my experiences with you, the pseudo-reader, I will also be cataloging one of the last years of the "best years of my life!"

But ... I hate one sided conversations, they're so didactic, don't 'yah think? So, if you're an avid blogger, or just stumbled here by accident from your virtual path:
hit me up, and take the polls!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Helping me Achieve my Dreams

Hey, I’m Back!

I’m glad to see that the beautiful student bloggers are finally linked up! Now I’ll be checking in weekly for sure! Have you seen Ranger Bear’s blog? It looks really neat, and there are soooo many pictures! I know there’s a lot of competition out there, but I just want to let ya’ll know that I am totally Ranger Bear’s number one fan! (I think he’s just adorable!)

Anyway, did you guys know UW-Parkside was on channel four news last night? I was lucky enough to have attended last night’s speak out by Judy Shepard, mother of Mathew Shepard who was slain tragically in a Gay Hate Crime almost 10 years ago. All of the beautiful Rainbow kids were there, including myself, and it was truly one of the most inspirational and emotional experiences.

During my time with Rainbow we have been trying to get Judy Shepard at UW-Parkside for years, and it was not easy to forget the amount of people who have been so instrumental in bringing this event to campus. This is really the year that everyone has come together in UNITY, united as one UW-Parkside family. There were so many people there!

I missed Heroes, but it was worth it to see a real life Hero who has been such a driving force in the movement for LGBTQISA equality and acceptance. But I did get home in time to see it on the 10:00 news!

(Here is a link to that news story):


Last week we celebrated National Coming Out Day, and I thought that was a moving experience! For both events, the room was packed! So many new faces have taken that brave step into coming out, and being true to themselves. That was a big part of Judy’s message: BE YOURSELF!

It’s part of the reason I love UW-Parkside and all of the amazing organizations we have on campus. There are so many ways to express who you are, to work on issues that you are passionate about!

But hey, I didn’t see Ranger Bear on the news last night.
Funny, he LOVES the camera! (Can’t get enough of it!)

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